StoneWater acupuntura y quiropráctica
StoneWater acupuntura y quiropráctica
Jessica Gradel, DC, MSAc, Dipli.Ac (NCCAOM), L.Ac

Dr. Gradel graduated from the National University of Health Sciences (NUHS) with a Doctorate in Chiropractic Medicine in 2016. She continued her studies to obtain her Master's in the Science of Acupuncture, graduating in 2017 as her class Salutatorian. She has furthered her knowledge through various advanced training courses in Motion Palpation, McKenzie Technique, 300 hours of Chiropractic Acupuncture, Functional Movement Taping, and the Treatment of Childhood Behavioral Disorders through the International Association of Functional Neurology and Rehabilitation (IAFNR). She interned at John Stroger Jr. Hospital's Pain Management Department and attended a supervised medical internship at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine's Fourth Affiliated Hospital in ZaoZhunang, China. When she returned, she moved to the Louisville area.
Fun Fact:
During her undergraduate studies at Alma College, before finding healthcare as her true calling, Dr.Gradel worked as a research intern radio-tracking endangered Spotted Turtles in a bog/fen for studies that were later published in American Midland Naturalist, Amphibia-Reptilia, and the Herpetological Review.
Jessica Gradel, DC, MSAc, Dipli.Ac (NCCAOM), L.Ac

A new face at StoneWater, you will find Jenny Miracle in the front office. Jenny is a lifelong Hoosier, having always lived in Southern Indiana and having graduated from Indiana University at the Southeast Campus. She has deep roots in the area and is excited to have a role in helping her fellow locals live healthy lives.
Outside the office, Jenny is a soccer mom who enjoys gardening and volunteering. A mother of three, she can often be found helping in the school or on the sidelines supporting her team. She also loves reading and the arts; Jenny is a season ticket holder at the Kentucky Center and an avid collector of books.
Fun Fact:
While in college, Jenny did an internship at Develop New Albany. She spent time cataloging historic buildings and creating a directory of downtown small businesses. Decades have passed, but she is back where she started downtown in a New Albany small business.